2 Bersama Untan Membangun Negeri by Bangfad

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1 Underwater Paradise in Bunaken Marine Park Tourism


Tourist Park
The total area attractions that are under the Bunaken National Park Bunaken is quite broad. It lies about 75 miles from Manado Beach is geographically divided into northern and southern parts. In the northern part there are 5 islands and on coastal Wolas-Wori. 5 island is the island of Bunaken, Manado Tua, Siladen, Nian and Mantehage. From the islands, Bunaken is the most crowded island that is because it has a natural beauty that is more complete.
If you want to enjoy an earthly paradise, you do not need all the way to go to different parts of the world. In Indonesia you can find it, namely in tourism park Bunaken.

An area with several small islands in Manado, North Sulawesi, lay a variety of beauty is very remarkable. From the beauty of the islands, the beach is gorgeous, and the beauty beneath the sea is very fascinating.

1 History Bandengan Beach in Jepara Indonesia


Sunset on the Beach Bandengan Jepara
After enjoying a variety of fun games at the Beach Bandengan till dusk, it's time for you to enjoy the stunning performances on this beach. This is an amazing show of nature, namely the setting of the sun or a sunset. You can admire the beauty of the sun on the way stops in the evening. A dim reflection of sunlight on the water looks calm seas with waves at the beach this Bandengan. Moments like this are often immortalized by the photographer who happened to stop by the Beach Bandengan Jepara.

You can also enjoy panoramic sunset or sunset it while enjoying the food served at the restaurant which is on the lips Bandengan beach. One of the famous restaurant on the beach this is the Sunset Beach Restaurant, founded by Italian citizens who have wives of local residents. This restaurant is frequented by foreign tourists. You can enjoy a pizza which is a typical Italian food, seafood and Indonesian cuisine while enjoying the panoramic beauty of the sunset and hear the sound of waves on the beach. If you eat at one restaurant on the beach Bandengan, then you can go for free to Bandengan Beach attractions.

1 Bali of Dreamland Beach in Indonesian


Dreamland was in the village of Pecatu, Badung regency, located in the southern island of Bali. You can reach this beach is about 30 minutes from Kuta Beach at Jimbaran. The beach is still beautiful and natural is located at the southern tip of South Badung. You'll find this beach on the way to the famous temple in Bali, Pura Uluwatu.
Dreamland Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Bali than Kuta beach. This beach is located in the area Pecatu, a region in the south of Bali. The beach is located not far from the Uluwatu in Bali is very famous for its beauty. The beauty and cleanliness of the beach add to the attraction of visitors, not only from domestic but also foreign tourists.

0 Mount Tangkuban Perahu best destination of indonesia


http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WLqL1hvC79A/TWE8o_eB13I/AAAAAAAAAM4/xBMAKrJ7KWU/s320/tangkuban-perahu-1.jpgTangkuban Perahu have two road craters that exist on this mountain. The first street or road longer by road conditions more difficult to pass and will normally be closed after the rain or when deemed dangerous to pass. The guard booth will give clues to past the new road which lies further to the top if the road was closed. Before the ticket payment in the first street, there are cottages for rent for a place to stay 
Mount Tangkuban Perahu, or also commonly referred Tangkuban Parahu is one of the largest mountain plateau Parahyangan. Nature Park Mount Tangkuban Perahu in the northern city of Lembang, north of the city of Bandung. Cool weather, the spread of tea gardens, valleys and tall pine trees to accompany your journey toward the gate area Tangkuban Perahu.

1 Beautiful Valley in Ranah Minang


A beautiful valley which is located in Mount Singgalang become an icon of tourism mainstay of West Sumatra Province. Sianok canyon, the name of this beautiful valley at the border town of Bukittinggi, District IV Koto, Agam regency, West Sumatra. Magnificent stretch of steep valley extending up to 15 kilometers. Width with a depth of 200 meters to 100 meters cliff.

Because flowed "Trunk Sianok" which means crystal clear river, canyon or valley called Canyon Sianok. Sianok rod can now be forded by using the canoe and kayak yg disaranai by a water sports organization "Qurays". The route taken is from village to village Sitingkai Lambah Stem Palupuh for approximately 3.5 hours

1 Beautiful Beach Lorosari "Sunset"


Author: Emery Taufik Gobel
Translation: Fadlie

Photo credits - moreindonesia.com

The beauty of the beach which is located west of Makassar is indeed quite fascinating, especially when the sun goes down at dusk. The joke, a friend of mine once said, "Sunset on the beach Losari will never stop smiling. Anyway, always smiling greet anyone who witnessed it. "

Orange red tinge of the sun that would fall at the foot of the skyline reflects off the ocean beach in front of Sejong, bringing nuance and charm for those who witnessed it. Some small fishing boats visible in the distance, the more enriched the whole evening there. And the gentle waves that hit coastal embankments like music that brings serene atmosphere feels more sentimental accompaniment of a gentle breeze blowing from the sea. Many photographers who capture these events to save the memories of its beauty, will smile Losari dusk.

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[Bersama Untan Membangun Negeri]
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