Delighted at Bantimurung


Author: Emery Taufik Gobel
Translation: Fadlie

Geographically Bantimurung tourist attraction has an area of 6619.11 km2 Entering reach this region, we will be greeted by a large gate with a giant butterfly, followed by a jumbo-sized statue of an ape. This indicates Bantimurung is the original habitat of butterflies and monkeys.

Waterfalls falling slowly through the rock from a height of 15 meters and a width of 20 meters presents a unique natural feel. In addition to beautiful natural scenery, waterfalls are also used by visitors for bathing activities or just to feel the splash of cool mountain water.

In the vicinity of the waterfall, there is a basin-basin of the river commonly utilized visitors to swim. On the left there is a waterfall tour road and permanent seating that lined the road with a river, canal from the waterfall. Usually visitors who come simply to capture a panoramic picture waterfall. To the right of the waterfall, there is a fairly flat area to gather with family to hold a mat while enjoying the scenery. Visitors can also sit under shady trees or bathing in waterfalls.

Bantimurung Nature Park is generally wavy to hilly. Limestone rock forming the steep hills on either side of river. Flat region located in the south, where the presence of waterfalls and ponds. Other flat area that has quite interesting panorama is located in the northern part of nature tourism park, can be reached through the path of a waterfall. Vegetation contained in Bantimurung Nature Park is a mountainous rain forest type dominated by family Liniaceae, among others; pink rain (Eugenia sp), jabon (Anthocepalus cadamba), pala-pala (Mangifera sp), palm (Arenga pinnata), centana (Pterocarpus indicus) and others.

Besides enjoying the charm of Bantimurung waterfall, there are other attractions around the region that dream cave and cave rocks. Goa Dreams is one of the mainstream. Inside the cave are stalactites (the stone reliefs that formed from water droplets and suspended over the ceiling cave) with a collection of beautiful crystals. Bening and able to reflect light. All around the lamp is lit so that beautify the atmosphere in the cave. This is what makes it a cave called a dream because when he was in it, as though we are in a dream.

To get to the Batu Cave stamina required of the prime even though the manager had made the steps as high as 10 meters. Travels quite a distance and could only be reached by walking about 20 minutes. But after arriving, all the fatigue soon paid off with beautiful scenery and a small waterfall that is so beautiful. Not to mention the beauty inside the cave with stalactite and stalagmite 30 meters down the hall.

In 1856 - 1857, Alfred Russel Wallace spent most of his life in Indonesia to examine the various types of butterflies, including the butterfly Bantimurung. According to Wallace, Bantimurung is The Kingdom of Butterfly because it found a variety of rare butterfly species which are rarely found in other areas. Various species of butterflies found in the region, among others, from family Saturnidae, Nocturnidae, Spingidae and Nyphalidae. Butterfly species according to experts exist only on Bantimurung Nature Park. According Matimu (1977) and Ahmad (1998) in National Park Management Plan Book Bantimurung-Bulusaraung (2006), there are 103 species of butterflies are found there, and distribution of commercial species of butterflies such as Papilio blumei Troides haliptron and are the two types endemic species that have very narrow distribution, which is only in forested habitat on the riverside.

To keep the butterfly from extinction, local governments create breeding in this location, and of course the main attraction for tourists who visit. In addition to breeding, there is also a butterfly museum as information and data center butterflies that live in the wild Bantimurung. Before you go home do not forget to buy souvenirs Bantimurung beautiful butterflies that have been preserved in a glass frame with the amount varied. By-by can be displayed on the walls of the house as a memorial and a sign that you've visited the "Kingdom of Butterflies" at Bantimurung.

To enjoy the coolness and beauty Bantimurung, visitors only need to pay a ticket levy of IDR 5000 for adult and IDR 3500 for children. For those of you who want to linger here, available lodging facility with a price range between IDR 40,000 to IDR 60,000 plus television facilities in it. (Crush $ 1 = IRD 9150)

Congratulations slammed in Bantimurung moodiness!


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